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Get To Know Spiritism                    

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"Truth is and will always be relative to one's progress. 

The Spiritist Thought defends that the truth is revealed equally in the Hebrew Bible, The Gospels, the Quran, The Bhagavad-Gita, Tao Te Ching, Tipitaka (Buddhism), and is revealed continuously in the discoveries of science, in the geniality of art and poetry, and in the courageous achievements of love. Ultimately, however, it is how we live and what we apply our lives to that count for the fulfillment of our divine purpose in the Universe."


The Spirits' Book

The Mediums' Book

The Gospel According to Spiritism

Heaven and Hell



The Spiritist literature is vast.

There are hundreds of books.

The reading of The Spirits' Book is essential for the understanding of Spiritism and the other 4 books are fundamental for its knowledge.


"Spiritism and science complete each other; science without Spiritism is completely unable to explain certain phenomena solely by means of the laws of matter; Spiritism without science would lack support and control."   

Allan Kardec

SPIRITISM is relatively new in America but not in the majority of other countries. There are thousands of Spiritist Centers throughout the world. 


Spiritism started in France in 1857 with the publication of the Spirits' Book by the renowned French educator Hippolyte Léon Dénizard Rivail, pen name Allan Kardec.


Spiritism is a progressive body of knowledge that bridges science, philosophy, and spirituality. It studies the nature, origin, and destiny of our spirits and the significance of the interrelationship between the spiritual and the material worlds.


The knowledge of the hereafter has profound implications on how we live our lives in the here and now.


Our perspective changes as we learn that the future life that goes on in the spirit world is the one, which will reflect who we are and what we do in the present.


Spiritism is a science of observation. It researches and analyses the evidences of spirit phenomena and its interactions with our world.


Spiritism phenomena differ from the physical sciences because they can't be reproduced at will; they must be studied when they happen. It is through a long methodical observation and analysis that one discovers the proofs that escape the first glance, especially when one is either unfamiliar with the conditions required to produce the phenomena.


As a philosophical science, Spiritism has religious implications as far as ethical principles are concerned. Yet, it isn't a conventional religion. 


While the phenomena and research findings are value-neutral, the moral philosophy of the Spiritist Thought is essentially Christian. However, Christ is seen as a model and guide of spiritual perfection and not as a savior of souls.




  • All Spiritist practice is gratuitous, including mediumship, following the ethical principles found in the Gospels: 'Give freely what you receive freely.'


  • Spiritism has no clergy. It's practiced with simplicity and without any external forms of worship such as singing or prayers in specific positions.


  • There is no devotion to spiritual entities; no blind faith, no sacraments; no dogmas, no rituals. Therefore; there are no altars, images, candles, processions, religious attire, alcoholic or hallucinogenic beverages, incense, tobacco, talismans, amulets, horoscopes, fortune telling, pyramids, crystals, or any other objects. 


  • Spiritism does not impose its principles to anyone. It invites those interested in knowing it to submit its teachings to the test of reason before accepting them. 


  • Spiritism accepts all worldwide religions, philosophies and cultural beliefs. It values all efforts toward the practice of goodness and fellowship among all nations and all peoples.

What Is Spiritism 1
Elsa Rossi

What Is Spiritism 1

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