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Allan Kardec
The Researcher and Codifier of Spiritism 

Pressing forward with progress, Spiritism will never be surpassed, because if new discoveries were to show it to be in error on one point, it would modify itself on that point. If a new truth is revealed, it accepts it."
Allan Kardec

'Allan Kardec'? 


Professor Rivail was known by his educational publications. At the suggestion of the Spirits, he decided to use the pen name Allan Kardec to differentiate his Spiritist works from his educational published books. Allan Kardec was his name on a previous life when he was druid monk. 

Kardec & Pestalozzi

Pestalozzi's school of thought in the Institute of Yverdon was based on spiritual values. He believed students should not only receive ordinary education but also moral teachings. The idea was to transform children in righteous individuals.


In 1832, Kardec married the teacher Amélie Gabrielle Boudet and founded with her in Paris, an educational institution similar to the one Yverdon.


Spiritism started in France in 1857 with the publication of the Spirits' Book by the renowned French educator and writer Hyppolyte Léon Denizard Rivail, pen name Allan Kardec.


In a transcendental sense, Allan Kardec was as advanced consciousness, a spirit who had a direct intuition and experience of superior dimensions of life. 


For him, God and Christ were not merely objects of belief, but living facts. However, like Pascal, the great mathematician and philosopher, Allan Kardec was trained on the examination of the fundamental realities of life through rational inquiry. 


In the tangible evidences of a spiritual realm, he found the point of union to advance a new vision and purpose for the human spirt. 


Allan Kardec deduced a code of moral and ethical behavior through methodical analysis of every aspect of the phenomena as only a man of his training could. 


Kardec is credited with establishing the points of interaction between the natural laws and the invisible world, which he believed to be the final destination of all residents of the physical realm. 


Kardec had a vision, however, that in some aspects went beyond the points above. He had a reason to see the value of Christian Spiritism from a wider angle. The French social and religious environment of his time was firmly molded by Catholic institutions. On the other hand neighboring countries, especially Switzerland and Germany, had become the fertile bed for the Protestant movement. Faith had only two colors, and they were not inclusive at all. In matters of religious choice, the grays and pastel colors were prohibited. He saw the futility of forcing allegiances in matters of religious choice. 


Following the orientation of illuminated intelligences, made the gospel of Jesus, the moral centerpiece of Spiritism. By attaching only a secondary role to the Old Testament and the Acts of the Apostles in the New Testament, Spiritism was safely protected from the theological wars that have harmed Christianity for centuries. 


With this approach, Spiritism turned into a Christian lighthouse of hope and consolation. 


Excerpt paraphrased from the AKES Editorial Team


Kardec went to study in Switzerland at age 11. He was a student of the famous teacher Johann H. Pestalozzi, and he became his disciple and collaborator.
At age 11, Kardec went to study at the Institude of Yverdon, where he became a student and later collaborator of the famous educator
Johann Pestalozzi.
Spiritism - Who was Allan Kardec? Question 10/10

Spiritism - Who was Allan Kardec? Question 10/10

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Spiritism &Science

"Science without Spiritism finds itself utterly powerless to explain certain phenomena by laws of matter alone; while Spiritism without science would lack support and control. The study of the material laws should precede that of the spirituality, as it is matter that first touches the senses. If Spiritism had appeared before scientific discoveries, it would have been rejected, as is the case with all that comes before its time." AK

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